Events  |  19 April 2022

Phoenix PyroCore biochar solutions

Le biochar, un marché convoité

Phoenix PyroCore biochar solutions transform 4500 tons/year of biomass waste into : 562,500 €/year of biochar (@ 500€/tonne), about 800,000€/year of heat (@ 60€/MWh) and about 81,000 carbon credits captured (at 80€/tonne). Impressive, isn’t it? In fact, PyroCore biochar Phoenix solutions bring you an annual income of about 1.450.000€.

Do not hesitate to contact us when you have a biomass production waste.

We will look with you at how we can improve your CSR, capturing CO2 while generating profit..

#biochar #GIEC #carboncapture #PyroCore #netzero  #circularity #climatechange  #sustainability  #circulareconomy

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