Waste recovery

Recover your waste
with our controlled pyrolysis solution

Achieving zero waste is an imperative to make the circular economy a reality. To achieve this, society, both domestic and industrial consumers need to consume responsibly and use recyclable materials where possible. At present, waste management is necessary and unfortunately, at the end of the waste hierarchy, incineration or landfill remain the only solutions.

PyroCore offers a technology based on pyrolysis. It helps you to achieve minimal waste while reducing your emissions and capturing carbon. Our solutions allow you to compact waste from the past: plastics, biomass and other non-recycled materials with high calorific value.

PyroCore offers a turnkey, easy-to-use solution for on-site waste treatment at the source. The result of this technique is the production of biochar, energy and the recycling of materials that were previously buried or destroyed.

PyroCore is creating an alternative, responsible and economically viable sector for public and private players. Do you want to be part of it and thus strengthen your CSR? Discover and adopt PyroCore solutions today!


Discover our solution

billion tonnes of plastics

humans have produced
in 60 years


has been recycled


has been incinerated


has accumulated in landfill or in the natural environment

Source: Commission européenne

Our mission

Systematise the energy recovery of recycled materials by promoting carbon capture. This decentralised approach makes a concrete contribution to the Industry’s carbon neutrality by 2050.

A customised support

Study of your needs, design and integration of the PyroCore solution on your site, maintenance, training of your teams and performance monitoring: you benefit from a global and turnkey support.

A flexible response

In UK, France and Belgium, we adapt our solution to your structure and offer solutions tailored to your needs.

For three types of complex waste

  • Biomass
  • Mixed plastics
  • Medical waste

The PyroCore®

We offer a pyrolysis technology for the recovery of non-recycled waste on an industrial and compact scale. This turnkey solution is containerised and allows waste to be managed on site, at source.

Pourquoi la pyrolyse ?

Why pyrolysis ?

Pyrolysis is a proven environmentally friendly technology for waste recovery. It is an alternative to landfill and incineration. In addition to treating and disposing of the waste, it generates excess heat that you can use instead of fossil fuels. As for biomass waste, thanks to pyrolysis, it provides you with highly recoverable biochar.

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The benefits

  • Biochar production
  • Carbon capture
  • Solution without additional energy input (self-powered without ignition)
  • Energy usable as heat, steam, cold or electricity
  • Decontamination
  • Recovery of materials embedded in polymers: metals, carbon or iron fibres
  • Reduction of landfill to 10% of its original mass
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Pyrocore Char
Pyrocore Biochar
Pyrocore Energie

News from our Group

Press Release. Pyrocore – Inoe partnership

14 May 2024

Paris, 25th Avril 2024 — PYROCORE SAS, a European pioneer in implementing pyrolysis solutions, and INOE SAS,…

Biochar Carbon Removal (BCR)

14 Mar 2024

Introduced by the European Biochar Industry Consortium (EBI), Biochar Carbon Removal (BCR) involves the production of biochar through…

Mersey Biochar project delivery

28 Feb 2024

PyroCore are delighted to announce the important milestone for the Mersey Biochar project.This month we have completed the…

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Pyrocore - Et si nous parlions  de votre projet ?

Let's talk about
your project

Every request is specific, we are able to offer a tailor-made solution to all our clients. The sooner we talk about your project, the sooner we can work together. Let’s Start a Conversation.

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Our partners
  • EBI
  • innovate-uk
  • REA